财新传媒 财新传媒

现在,中国的投资者希望把自己的一部分资产配置到海外市场,而海外金融产品需要寻找新的投资者群体,这就构成了一个资金流 动的新循环。这个新的需求要求香港金融市场把国际市场的各种金融产品都吸引过来,像一个大型金融产品超市,供国内投资者进行挑选。从趋势看,在这样一个金融大超市里,应当既有股票,也有货币和固定收益产品,还有大宗商品。那么,下一步,香港与 内地的连通还需要延伸和拓展,从股票的二级市场延伸到一级市场,从股票市场延伸到货币和固定收益产品,进而延伸到大宗商品。
Market participants are watching the development of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect closely after the date for its launch was announced on 25 November 2016. Particularly, it should be interesting to see how the programme would have a macro impact on the market, both theoretically and practically. First of all, there will be market speculation on whether the valuation discrepancies between the Hong Kong and Shenzhen markets will narrow after the launch of the programme. As a matter of fact, speculations like these were also plentiful in the early days of the launch of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, but it turned out actual market operations were not exactly what were expected. At times, price discrepancies widened rather than narrowed. Against this background, how should we assess the market impact of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect? 
In terms of system design, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect may be seen as a natural extension of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect with new breakthroughs in some areas. Apart from the extension of eligible stocks for trading to Shenzhen listed securities, trading under Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect will no longer be subject to an aggregate quota, a significant change as far as market participants are concerned. Previously, investors of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect were in constant fear of the programme’s quota being used up during their asset allocation when the aggregate quota was in force. Abolition of the aggregate quota will attract medium to long term asset allocation and strengthen connection between the Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen markets.
I. Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect opens up an era of Mutual Market between Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen 
The launch of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, in particular the abolition of the aggregate quota, will effectively link up the Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen markets into a “mutual market”. Before the launch of the Stock Connect programme, each of the three markets was already among the world’s top ten in terms of market cap, though still lagging some distances behind a few major markets. The removal of the aggregate quota and the linking of the three exchanges will result in a sizable market with a total market cap of $70 trillion and a combined turnover rivaling those of NYSE and other leading major exchanges across the globe.
Two aspects could illustrate how the Stock Connect programme and the abolition of the aggregate quota will lead to a mutual market:
Firstly, the linking up of the Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen markets will significantly expand the investor base. On such a vast platform, investors may come from overseas, Hong Kong or the Mainland. If connectivity in the secondary market could be extended to the primary market, the appeal to high-quality listing candidates of various sectors will be enormous.
Secondly, the three exchanges will complement each other, widening the array of choices for investors. At present, a company planning for flotation has to decide between Hong Kong, Shanghai or Shenzhen. Hong Kong could appear to be at a disadvantage because valuations on average for its listed companies are lower. However, a comparative study of the various sectors would reveal that the lower valuations are mainly a result of domination of the Hang Seng Indexes by heavyweights in traditional cyclical sectors (e.g. finance and properties). Stock valuations of certain sectors, such as healthcare, are actually higher in Hong Kong than in the Mainland.
II. Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect is expected to trigger diversified market interactions
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect is a pilot program that is experimental and exploratory by nature. It takes time for investors to familiarise with it. According to statistics, both southbound and northbound trading under Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect represents a very small percentage of the respective turnovers of the two markets. It is far from being able to affect the trading habits and cycles of the home markets. Southbound trading’s share of total stock market turnover in Hong Kong has been slowly increasing from 0.5-0.6 per cent to the current 3-5 per cent. Foreign funds investing in the Shanghai stock market represent only a meagre 0.5-0.9 per cent of that market’s turnover, given the abundant liquidity in the Mainland.
Will Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect change this status? The launch of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect involves the removal of the aggregate quota and actively introducing new types of investors such as pension funds, so more interactions between the markets should be expected after the launch. Which parts of the market are expected to be more active after the launch of the Shenzhen Connect? Let’s look at the change of investors’ preferences under Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. In 2015, 61 per cent of southbound trades invested in large-cap stocks. Research on SMEs has been inadequate and their valuations sharply differed. Interestingly, although many investors thought that SME price differentials between the Shanghai and Hong Kong markets would narrow after the launch of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, the gap in fact widened at that time. It showed even with the Stock Connect programme, Shanghai and Hong Kong markets were still operating according to their own cycles and market dynamics. Data showed Mainland funds started to invest in large-cap stocks in 2016. About 51 per cent of the funds were invested in large caps, mostly financial stocks. Given the apparent price differentials, low interest rates, a shortage of investable assets onshore, and Hong Kong market’s depth and liquidity to absorb pension fund investments, financial institutions have expanded their equity exposure.
III. Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect is expected to help Hong Kong strengthen its IFC role, and facilitate the twoway opening of the Mainland capital market to meet the need for overseas allocation of assets among market participants (investors, financial institutions and business enterprises) 
Currently, the Mainland capital market is still highly restricted, which deprives Mainland market participants of an efficient platform for oversea asset allocation. Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, together with the abolition of the trading quota, have effectively created such a platform. For example, insurance companies in the Mainland are now permitted to invest as much as 15 per cent of their funds overseas, though their current foreign investments represent only around 2 per cent of total assets. Furthermore, despite Mainland being the world’s second largest economy and topping the world in international trade, quite few financial products in global capital markets are denominated in RMB. Thus, the potential of the Mainland capital market opening up further is huge. Investors have a compelling need for an efficient platform that allows them to invest and allocate their assets globally.  Shanghai and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect represent such a platform.
Historically, there were several phases in the opening up of Mainland’s capital market. From 1993 to 2000, Mainland enterprises listed overseas, primarily in Hong Kong, to raise international funds. Over HK$5 trillion has been raised in Hong Kong by Mainland enterprises since 1993. Between 2001 and 2010, QFII and QDII schemes were introduced amid rapid development of the Mainland capital market and breakthroughs in the reform of non-tradable shares. Now the opening up of Mainland’s capital market have entered its third stage, and progressing vigorously in the macro trend of the RMB internationalisation. An example is the shift of some RQFIIs from the secondary market to direct investment.
In the course of Mainland’s reform and opening up, Hong Kong successfully turned itself into an international financial center (IFC). Previously, companies listed in Hong Kong were basically small local enterprises. The Mainland’s market reform and opening offers Hong Kong the opportunity to serve as a bridge between the East and the West satisfying Mainland enterprises’ desire to raise funds and international investors’ ambition to venture into Mainland. International investors and listed companies from the Mainland were matched in the Hong Kong market. By performing this role efficiently, Hong Kong successfully turned itself into an IFC.
Now Mainland investors are looking to diversify their portfolios by approaching the  international markets, meanwhile overseas financial products need new groups of investors, which in turns form a new ecosystem of capital flows. There is a need for Hong Kong to turn itself into a “financial supermarket” where international financial products across various asset classes are displayed for picking by Mainland investors. Equities, fixed income and currency (FIC) products and commodities products should be available for sale in such a financial supermarket. The next step could be the extension of connectivity between Hong Kong and the Mainland markets from the secondary to the primary equity market, and from equities to FIC and then to commodities. (完)





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